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 Human connection is what people want right now more than ever.

This course helps you market and package your expertise for deeper human connection and building sustainable income streams. We created it to help you strategically leverage your knowledge and skills, paving the way for substantial growth and meaningful success.
Now is your time to thrive, lead with purpose, and experience the fulfillment that comes with a business truly aligned with your expertise and aspirations.

For those ready to transform your business and unlock your true potential, this course will teach you how to:
  • Achieve substantial revenue growth

  • Attract consistent clients without direct outreach

  • Boost brand visibility and engagement

  • Find inspiration to create meaningful, engaging content

  • The freedom of building a business aligned with your passion and expertise

Join the ranks of visionaries—Ph.D.s, executives, and engineers—who have already revolutionized their careers using these proven strategies.


How will the
help your consulting?

You WILL...


  • Open new market shares you didn't know existed

  • End the disconnect between you and your customer

  • Increase lead generation, many times exceeding 50%

  • Experience reduced time from pain to action

  • Get better quality, targeted leads at a decreased cost

  • Increase the time spent on your website pulling engaged customers

  • Demonstrate competitive differentiation


You WON'T...


  • Sink money into methods that don’t convert

  • Need to cross your fingers and *hope* your content works

  • See your efforts fail to produce results

  • Have to do this alone

The Human Connection Messaging Course

Discover Human Connection;
Research Buyer Motives and Needs
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Position for Human Connection;
Website & Social Content
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Message for Human Connection;

Organic Marketing Strategy

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WHAT people are saying about this course?

Amanda Peterson,
Pathways of Grace

Emotive Pull  training solved the issue of being able to communicate with my customers in a way that made sense to them. It helped my customers be able to engage with our business in a clearer fashion. It also helped the practitioners who use the space to clarify their vision of what the services are that they offer.

Meghan Uhl,

Focal Point Security


Taking Jennifer Kahtz’ Emotive Pull marketing course changed how I approach a prospective customer both in person and with written word.  After 30 years of selling and taking many “professional sales” courses, this is the first time someone has helped me make a real connection with customers that gives real results.

Robin Mason,

Sparkle Swap

The Emotive Pull Messaging Course helped solidify what my brand is and my why for wanting to create the website. Before I took the class, it was more about selling products. After taking the class and doing market research, discovering the audiences needs, my business idea turned into also building a community, bringing people together to share ideas and make people better. Initially, I didn’t think much about how I wanted to communicate my offerings. ​After understanding my audience and market better, I now have unlimited topics and conversation for reaching out and connecting

with my community. The class helped me to understand how to structure my communications in away that attracts people and draws people in to engage. ​Now I feel like I can create communications that specifically target areas of interest for my customers. My communications are better received. It’s not writing and hoping the articles will land it’s now writing and knowing they will land.

"Jennifer is very knowledgable and has shown me the way to attract the type of clients that I want to work with. Emotive Pull training will teach you how to “pull” in new clients so that your business can grow. The program is phenomenal. She teaches you how to learn what your potential buyers need to hear in your marketing to pick up the phone and call you. I am glad that I bought the course and I believe it was worth every penny for the value that I received and then some."

Bryan Comeaux,

South Central



Jen Kahtz messaging has helped my company’s credibility. Credibility has created conversions the grassroots way. Everyone who goes to my website has great things to say and it does exactly what it needs to do. 


Jennifer has the ability to provide an authentic message of what you’re creating emotive pull for. She knows how to ask the right questions and write in a way that is emotional in nature. It goes deeper than knowing the right questions. It’s an intuitive ability where as information is being given. She knows how to pull out what’s needed to create the emotional pull in your clients. There’s an innate ability to know the next question to ask that’s going to get her the information she’s looking for.

Leslie Schreiner,

The Accounting Company

 I realized Jen understood people; how they think and react to things, like a sociologist and psychologist combined. She gathered what I do and why I do it, and translated it into messaging that I’m now unbelievably proud of. I’m forever grateful and would highly recommend her to anyone looking to create a pull in their business and attract the clients they desire.

Jessica Hausner,

Artisan Gallery Framers

Jen Kahtz gave us a much better understanding of the psychology of our customers in a general sense. They helped us with that new knowledge of customers’ buying habits in general, which helped us narrow down how to identify things within our little market. I think it’s a unique way to approach your marketing. It makes it so your marketing doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. Most people just copy what others are doing - this gives you a really unique voice.

Kim Mylls, Kiss Corporate Goodbye


Emotive Pull Guarantee

Our mission is to help you succeed. If you aren’t 100% satisfied with the improvements in your marketing efforts after 30 days of completing and properly implementing the Emotive Pull principles, we will offer you a full refund. After all, we only succeed if you succeed, too!

I want the Human Connection  Messaging Course!

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