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Ensuring all of your communications work.
Lesson 3 Homework

Our intention is to share ideas on how to ensure all of your communications works by understanding the big picture strategy. The homework below is designed to map out roots so you can impact all of your communications. For some this is difficult to do by yourself, if you need a step by step instruction that has worked for me for years and support, we have programs to help. In my experience some pick up on this easily and some people need assistance.  We'll meet you where you are. Enjoy the homework below. 


1. What are the market needs? AKA what drives your customers to buy from you?











2. Ideas for matching your business solutions to audiences needs/desires.











3. Creating self selections. (Words to connect them to their needs, building trust.











4. Is your business in alignment? Write out your why, and contemplate whether it resonates with your life path or is it a means to an end. Going back to what you loved as a child is a great way to find alignment. 











​Peer Group Content Mastermind


Please contact me at on interest in joining a peer group mastermind for weekly collaborative support, feedback and help. There is a membership fee for this; however the first two sessions are complimentary, so you can get a feel for it and see if you like it. 


For business owners and marketers to begin positioning to emotional pull to attract specific market shares, so that you're not consistently hustling for lead generation, we offer an Emotive Pull Training course that gives a step by step process/method to help you consistently create strategic messaging and branding, you know will stick versus guessing. Please contact us at or fill out the contact form on the front page. or contact me if you're interested in learning more. 

The Emotive Pull Communication Course

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