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Think and Grow Rich

Daily Manifest Bootcamp

Daily Study
September 2024
6:30 - 7:30 am CST
(Mon, Wed, Fri)

Harness a positive mindset, even amidst our current times. 

In 2018, working through the lessons in this book took me from $8,000 a month to $25,000 a month - and all in less than 6 months! How does this work?


This book contains a proven formula that Napoleon Hill created in 1937 after interviewing and documenting world-renowned business owners including: John D. Rockefeller, Dale Carnegie, Charles Schwaab, Henry Ford and many more. 


We welcome you to a daily morning Think and Grow Rich Daily Manifest Bootcamp. Talk through the ideas in the book with other likeminded people and learn explore how you can apply the formula to your own life. 

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." 

-Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich

Is the Daily Manifest Bootcamp right for you?


The Think and Grow Rich daily bootcamp is for you if you want to: 

  • Reinforce a positive mindset, even in today's landscape;

  • Become a part of a likeminded community that encourages and fosters your positive mindset;

  • Discover mindset techniques that catapult your manifesting abilities;

  • Prime your mind to see opportunities where you might not have before;

  • Build value for others in conversations by shifting into a new paradigm of thinking; 

  • Learn and implement proven strategies - already used by the wealthy - to manifest your dreams;

  • Begin your day with a desire and knowledge that you CAN create anything you want.

How does this book study make life better? 

Daily Study


Sept. 21, 2021

6:30 - 7:30 am MST


Become empowered to live life on your own terms. 

When I focused on the ideas in this book consistently, my income and outlook on life increased tremendously. I was motivated to do what I needed to do to create tangible outcomes. This study helped to foster my positive mindset and my belief that I could.  For weeks, I didn't notice outcomes but after completing the timeline I looked back and realized that I had averaged the exact amount of productivity I had set as my initial goal. When the manifesting pops, it happens. Napoleon Hill uses a formula that has both mystical and logical elements and that has proven tremendously successful for many. 
Once you know you can control your outcomes, you'll always have the power to change your life. 
If you're interested, enroll for one week free to test drive the program. After your free week, the cost is $30 dollars a month, starting the day after your free trial ends. After you register, you will receive your link by email to join the first meeting. 
We understand that times are tough for many right now. With that in mind, we do have scholarships available. Please inquire for more information about scholarships. 

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