Learn How to Show Versus Tell
Lesson 2 Homework
Our intention is to share ideas on how to enhance your showing skill. When I first began to write in this format, I read an array of different books and studied the patterns so that I could recreate it. Here are some resources and ideas with the intent of helping you.
1. Step One - Read showing versus telling books, will get your mind into integrating this type of writing. A few books that impacted my (showing skill) for writing include,
The Help by Kathryn Stocket (beautifully written),
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet (wonderful) and also
Open the autobiography of Andre Agassi (extraordinary). Agassi contracted a Pulitzer Prize winner to write his biography and it is extraordinarily written.
2. Step Two - Watch 5 commercials and identifywhether they show or tell and evaluate different styles of showing. Begin watching ads and marketing that works, so that you can recognize the commonalities of the patterns in order to recreate them in other ways. Study to create success.
3. Step Three - Read books that teach the skill as well, so you can see examples.
The three that I used years ago and still reference today.
Rivet Your Readers With Deep Point of View by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
Bringing Your Writing To Live by Amy Michelle Wiley
The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writers Guide to Character Expression
​Peer Group Content Mastermind
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